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Monday, 23 April 2012

A Vintage Farewell

At the start of my day, I treat myself to a hearty breakfast. Special days are always in need of extra calories.

Friends and family members gathered in London Farm Heritage home at 7pm to bid Cheryl farewell. London Farm is a splendid location for high tea. With lovely bone china tea sets, soft piano music, this living museum brought the guests back in time.  

Congratulations Cheryl on getting marry to the love of your life ~ we will certainly miss you dearly !

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Hill

 I noticed that I was always behind the camera recently. 

It might be fun to be on the other side of things.

The wind was laughing with me. It was so stress free to run in the field. 
I love telling my models to dance creating movements are natural and graceful~ now I just follow the song of the breeze and the rhythm of my heart. 

Need to include a classic black and white. 

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, 13 April 2012

A child's eyes

 Every child is a gift from heaven. When I was spending time with Abby, I can't help but be influence by her contagious happiness. While I was walking the road I walked everyday, she was hopping along with joy like she is in paradise. I know she believe the world to be a wonderful place, and that is exactly what she saw. I love her for that.  If more adults can  start seeing the world in a child's eyes, the world would be a different place. Here are some of my favourite shots with Abby.

It was so funny that she was wearing the "ducky" colour. She was hoping that with the camouflage, she can be their friends, and find where the baby ducklings were hiding..... sooo cute!

Thursday, 5 April 2012


It was so much fun working with Youna, a person blessed with a bright and creative mind. When I checked the weather forecast, I was not very positive how the photo shoot would go.  90% chances of shower, with period of heavy down pour was the prediction. However we were determined to brave it through and it turned out to be a magical sunny day. Here are some of my favourite shots from the day. It is hard to choose when there are so many.

Vince & Stephanie's Reception

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