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Tuesday, 11 December 2018

The Amelia Dress

As a photographer we are always chasing light. In most Winter months I often store my camera away because when I came home from work natural light is gone. Yet I am so inspired by others who embraced whatever environment and still managed to create beautiful images. So one night while Anthony worked over time momoko and I had some fun at home trying on this beautiful Amelia dress and dancing around our house.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Step Over to Edmonton

Our imagination of Edmonton was no less a far away kingdom with frosty Winters and a maze of shops. I did not expect much when we visited dear friends Erica and Casey who bravely ventured out there for their assignment, but it turned out to be much more pleasant then we think. The quint city turned very warm with our welcoming hosts. We adored the fun loving Vietnamese group that was there and hope to see them again soon. This picture diary is my first impression of Edmonton.

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