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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Urban Camping~ Summer 2013

Sitting at home listening to the Autumn's thunder storm and counting all the good times of our past Summer 2013. One of the tradition of our Summer in Vancouver is a small camp trip. A weekend of horse back rides through pine needle covered trails, playing a tune around the camp fire, counting stars while laying down on the grass are things I always looked forward to. 

This year while crossing the border, the guards asked where we were going. Without thinking we promptly said" camping!"  Having known our destination to be Seattle, the guard was skeptical. How could we camp in a bustling city? 

Yes this year it was camping with a twist. Our urban camp included a visit to the breath taking chihuly glass museum, martini drinking in jacuzzi pool, dancing in the yurt, dining in the famous pike place and of-course a little splurging in Seattle Premium Outlet.   

We really have our big sister Bon Bon to thank. Every year without fail she would take care of the" dirty work", booking the cabin, sending out invitations, planning fun activities during the trip. How fortunate and spoiled we are to tag along under her wings. 

My highlight of this trip would certainly be the visit to the famous Chihuly Glass Garden Museum. My new friends, and adventurous trip mates, Philia and Joyce, whom function in the same "wavelength " as me , highly recommended it. The stories and inspirations behind each and every installations blew us away. Some inspirations included imitating the ripples glass balls formed when they were thrown into the rivers by little children, the diffusion of light on a cloudy day, life in the ocean, just to name a few.... The out door glass garden which lit up at night are lovely for an after the dinner walk, especially with gentle opera music humming softly in the background. We were saying how this venue would make a splendid wedding reception .....

After the long tour in the museum, pike place welcomed us to some seafood dinner. The first starbucks in the world was still bustling during super time. I was so happy to peek in and imagine how it was like in 1971 when it was first opened. A stroll in the little Italian street was very relaxing too . Here was dreamy Philia taking a whiff of the florals. 

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