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Thursday, 11 February 2016


It is funny writing an event that took place almost a year ago. My memory is blurry and rely on my photos to help me recall what really happened, so bear with me please 

After the long plane ride from Hong Kong to Dubai, and finally to Florence, I was exhausted. I was ready to hop on to any taxi and just head to the hotel. But after finding out that the taxi will cost me half the euro that I just exchanged, I bravely headed towards the bus station. The drivers speaks poor english , and I went onto the wrong bus. Strangely enough I didn't panicked, walking along the cobble stones, this calm artsy city seemed to tell me that everything will be alright. Fortunately, a kind Philippino lady was willing to help me. I anxiously awaited as she used the google map on my phone, with 10% battery left. She yelled across the street at the biker who was passing by for directions and even went as far as dragging my luggages to the right bus station. It almost felt like Mr. Bean going on holiday, where everything went wrong but incredibly right at the same time, and you eventually get to your destination. I don't know the name of the lady, and didn't have anything to thank her, but Florence did give me an extra warm welcome through her. 

It started last year, but after my grandmother passed away , our family decided in order to stay connected we will go on a vacation together once every year. I think it is a lovely idea, traveling to hong kong and china is getting redundant and it still costs money. It is great to explore an strange place with familiar faces. Last year was my dad's turn to pick the destination, and he decided to travel to the ancient Rome and other Biblical places. 


  1. Florence is also on my bucket list. You're so lucky to meet such wonderful lady! Lovely pictures as always! Seriously, you gotta tell me which action/LR preset you use lol

  2. Your photos are amazing as always. Thank you for sharing your Florence experience.

  3. Your photos are amazing as always. Thank you for sharing your Florence experience.


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