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Saturday, 10 August 2019

Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau

      We finally decided to visit our family in Asia this year instead of going to an exotic destination. We made it a little more special by going to Beijing, since Cherie, Anthony and I have never been there before.

         Summer Palace

    Forbidden City

      Great Wall

     The Great Wall of China was Anthony's favourite day. After cramped in a car for two hours, we finally arrived to find bright blue sky and crisp clean air. It's amazing to be away from the city!Cherie made a wonderful suggestion that we go to the Mu Tian Yu section of the Great Wall. For one, it has less people. Second, it has an awesome slide that allow you to slide back down from the elevated Great Wall all to ground level in three minutes. It is a highlight of our trip and a MUST TRY! You can spend as much time on this historic world wonder, and still catch your ride back to the city.

The Beijing opera house was an unique modern building. We were disappointed we couldn't watch Cinderella Ballet show by the Russian performers. Instead, we watched a Chinese cultural dance that was available that night. It was very noisy but we still managed to fall asleep during the show due to exhaustion.  PHEW!

   The next few days were more relaxing and gave us much needed rest! We rode the bullet train from Beijing to Zhao Qing. The seven crags is a prized garden that attracts lots of tourist. During the time we visited, women dressed in traditional qi pao, can enter the park free of charge. Dressing as a ancient Chinese lady really blend us in to the tranquil backdrop.

     Hong  Kong

Hong Kong is a place where we reunited with our best friend Anthonia. It was so nice to spend quality time together since we live on different sides of the world. The Lok Cha tea house in Hong Kong park is a quiet corner in this bustling city. We got to enjoy three different types of fine tea and some vegan dim sum. Each bite is a memory. We also toured the Hong Kong Bethel, where we met some new friends in the Vietnamese field. Dinner with Sarah, Stella , Carol and their husbands was also full of laughters. Hong Kong is a beautiful place because of the beautiful faces!


       Zhu Hai

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