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Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Barcelona~ Eateries & Allies Dairy

It was such a pleasure to visit a city with passionate culture, vibrant architecture, and mouth watering tapas. We spent our first day wandering the allies of Gothic Quarters. We felt transported back in time in the maze of old cobble stone streets, listening to rapid foreign conversations. Restaurants hoping is one of our favourite past times and Barcelona is the perfect backdrop for just that. Plates of fresh tapas are lined up perfectly waiting for you to devour them. You can just enter a tapa bar, grab a plate and help your self to a table. All you need to keep are the toothpicks so that the host can count how many tapas you've ate.

Day two was spent exploring Park Güell, a housing complex designed by the genius architect Gaudi. It has an abundance of naturalistic elements and free from rigid constraints. He built this during the English garden movement and thus the name " Park".  As you walk through the park you can  really feel that it is amalgamated with the natural surroundings.

Next stop was a food market.

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