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Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Aftertaste

It was like fine dinning, one that takes hours to appreciate and digest. The starters, entree, cocktails, and  desserts were all thoughtfully prepared with love.  You are left with an aftertaste of contentment and comfort. That is the feeling I got thinking back on the wonderful trip I had with her. 

 We travelled Bali, Indonesia one year ago. Exotic fire dances, talkative  taxi drivers, mischievous " monkeys thieves" were some of the highlights of our summer trip. This year we decided to hit the road  aiming for an opposite experience, so off to the vibrant Autumn in Banff and Jasper it is. 

We rode the greyhound bus from Vancouver Main terminal station at  6pm. I was a bit frightened by Greyhound buses due to the " head chopping" incident, but I was soon put to ease by the alert and authoritative drivers, whom can recognize all the passengers' faces. He even managed to catch a penniless guy who tried to sneak on the bus during one of the 10 min rest stops at 3am in the morning. We arrived at Banff station 9am a little noxious, but after a energy boost of apple cider and raspberry scone, we were more than ready to venture this charming town. 

Our first stop was the Cascade garden, an enchanting place with antique architect and landscape. We then challenged the lowest peak of Banff, Mt. Tunnel. The view was more stunning then I could have ever asked for. On our way there we even saw a wedding reception held at the Kinnear Center. The couple celebrated their big day with the autumn leaves and snowy mountain as a backdrop. It was like a scene in the movies~ 

That concludes my highlights of day 1 stay tuned for more entries ~

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