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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Traveling between 2013 & 2014

A little update of how I spent my holiday. Very grateful for the week off, allowed me to rediscover the beautiful Vancouver. Whenever I came back from a vacation, from the moment I stepped out of the plane, it feels like my vacation has only began. I am thankful for my fabulous friend Camila who showed me so many secret spots and fancy restaurants around town, can't wait to try them one at a time. 

A little home cooking experiment is always on my to do list during the holiday. This time I made strawberry bread pudding. The whole house was filled with fragrant from berries, milk and caramelizing bread.

And then it is off to Whistler, one of the most enchanting place to be in during the winter months of Vancouver is always up on the snowy mountain. It is there I can feel completely alone , surrounded by fog, snow, evergreens, the calls of raven and my own heart beat. Snowboarding on this gorgeous day with dear friends was more than I can ask for. Although we always lost each other while going at different speeds, we all learned valuable lessons :P  The ride back to town in the premier pacific coach bus was super relaxing. Thank you YL for teaching me chess along the way :) To end the day, we ate at the authentic t-suki sushi bar, where we all fell in love with the power sushi, made with natto beans and tuna.

Here are my best moments in 2013. Looking forward to what's to come in 2014 ~

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