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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Time Capsule

Dear diary,

I want to tell you that this year was one of my happiest year. Life was ordinary. The "extraordinariness"  came from obtaining internal peace. I have learned that no matter how the extraneous factors revolved, the most important thing in life is always constant. In all scenarios we are able to make a choice, whether it is to change the circumstance or to change our approach to the circumstance. I admitted that I have fears, quite a few actually….  yet at the same time I am determined to confront them. I've learned to dare myself out of my comfort zone and always always ALWAYS rely on Jehovah through the thick and thin.

When I was young, I looked up to my mother as role model. Flipping through photo albums, I was in awe in how fashionable she dressed, how beautiful her facial features were, but most of all how she was always surrounded by friends, some of whom remained close family friends down to this day.  I was so envious, because at that time my one and only friend was Milk, my guinea pig. 

In time, I discovered that beauty is vain, but true friendship is invaluable. Today I am very fortunate to be surrounded by people who really want the best for each other. There are differences along the way of course. There are time when biding farewell, diverging in our own separate ways seemed like the only option. However, as we continue down the journey, the intersections merged, once again we are reunited on the narrow road. Much to our delight,  with gained wisdom and compassion, we proceeded toward the common destination, enjoying each other's company.

 Looking back I am grateful for the storms, without them I might not have realized the need to change, grow and learn. 
The world is only a mirror, if we smile at it, it will smile back. 

This is my 2013.


As our Winter tradition, we spend a weekend in Harrison Hot Spring Resort. The trip was short and sweet. Here are some highlights. 

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