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Sunday, 29 May 2016

California 2015

Day 1 Wedding Rehearsal 

It was said that you should never marry someone before you have traveled with them. It is when you have seen the worst of the person , and still love them, no matter the time and place , that you know there will be no regrets. This trip did not go perfect , but perfection was not what I was expecting. Despite the rough patches , I learned more about Anthony, my future husband ( boyfriend at the time), and learned to trust and respect him. The last time I was in Cali was when I was eight, holding the hands of my parents. I feel so blessed to have found another special person. 

   Cali 2015 let it begin. 

The main purpose of our travel was to attend the wedding of Kevin and Mai Linh, Anthony's brother and sister in law. According to Kevin, he is the reason why Anthony asked me out.  So of course there is no excuse in missing their big day ~ It was refreshing to be amongst fun and generous people . After we got off the plane, it was straight to wedding rehearsal. The venue was just as Kevin and Mai Linh described, lofty, classy, and full of the presence of the California sun. 

Day 2  Beach Party 

After a good night rest, and a nice massage after brunch , it was off to Huntington beach. Kevin organized a welcoming party for his guests there with volleyball game, bbq, fire pit and music. The beach stretched for miles upon miles, with no one in sight. I guess beaches are as common in California as forests are in Vancouver.  The purple sky, soft sun kissed  sand, and turquoise sea created a  perfect backdrop for a mini photoshoot. 

  Day 3 Getty Centre & Pier

Before we left everyone picked a must do in California, for me it was Getty Centre. I was not able to convince anyone that it was an attraction worth visiting, but an artistic Korean friend of ours persuaded others at the Huntington beach,  that it is indeed a fascinating place. It certainly did not disappoint. After we parked our car, we boarded a modern train that takes us to the entrance of the museum . The museum prized itself for its post modern architecture, with ample open space and stunning views . The exhibits are of wide varieties ranging from Ancient Greece , Medieval times to modern Japanese photography. The Getty garden  features 500 specimens of plants. Irwin's statement " Always changing, never twice the same" is carved into the plaza floor, reminding visitors of the ever-changing nature of this living work of art. 

One sculpture I especially like is a scornful self sculpture of the artist himself. While other artist portrait themselves in a flattering light, this person chose to be honest and humorous, attempting to cast a smile on to the faces of his audience. 

Day 4 Kevin & Mai Linh's Wedding

Finally the day that we were anticipating has arrived. I was assigned to photograph the boys as they get ready. They were having one last rehearsal of the dance they will perform for the bride. I think it was wonderful to work in a morning exercise session in this beautiful day. 

Day 4 Universal Studio

It is either Disneyland or Universal studio for any visitors to California. We chose Universal studio this time, as we felt it would be more " adult-like" there were many 4 dimension " virtue rollercoaster" . Anthony won a big Liza doll from shooting basketball, so that the minion in our house will have a companion. 

                                                    Day 5 Laguna Beach 

Laguna beach is by far my favourite. The caves along the shore can really trick you into believing you are in a desolated island somewhere in Caribbean. One night stay at the Montage hotel there starts at just over a thousand dollar.  It was lovely that the beach is still public property :) 

                                               Day 6 San Diego Zoo

 Lots and lots of animals ~ we find that the most popular animals are usually hiding or at sleep, the queer ones are happy to receive visitors . The secretary birds for example was turning herself, stretching out her feathers, so we can observe her in all angles. Next time we will try the san diego safari experience. 

                    Day 8-9 Delay & Extension

  It was so ridiculous that it was almost unreal, but we missed our allegiant flight. When we got to the counter, there was a crumbled piece of paper stuck onto the computer monitor, saying that the staff will be returning tomorrow. We had no choice but to find lodging and enjoy the california sun for two more days. 

  It turned out that the two extra days was needed after all. We were able to spend time with Anthony's auntie. We really appreciated her optimistic and caring nature. Also Anthony found his favourite beach, Venice beach. It is a circus-like Ocean Front Walk, featuring street performers, mystics, artists and vendors.

Thank you for reading my post ~

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