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Friday, 24 April 2015

Paris~ A Girl's Dream

Day 1 Upon Arrival ~

Making London our first stop in Europe was indeed wise. When I landed, I was disappointed at how ordinary the city smelled and looked. It might as well be another city in Canada. Yet the entrance to Paris was much grander. We travelled from London to Paris on a train. The station was just as I imagined, rows of oxidized copper pillars with intricate patterns commanded me to lift my head and gaze at the ancient architecture . Mercedes taxis awaited the tourists  As the well groomed driver helped us onto our luxury van, I was still in a daze. The Paris dream was coming true at last.

It is a funny thing, familiar faces in unfamiliar places. An acquaintance could easily become your best friend with out much effort, and  you just wanted to cling onto them. It was a relief to meet up with our good friend Owen, and a few other acquaintances. Although it was just dinner and venturing to Louvre after, it was the best welcome to this glamorous yet foreign dreamland 

Day 2 

My favourite day of my stay in France, none other than waltzing through the chambers of Marie Antoinette in Versailles. Again time was slipping past way too fast, by the time we got there we only have two and a half hours to sample all the grand beauty of "absolutism". We did catch the best part, when all the tourists are leaving and the mirror hall is close to being empty. The magic hour in the perfectly trimmed garden was also too delightful. 

Day 3


Day 4 ~ Eiffel Tower 

Day 5~ Louvre & Alexander III Bridge

Day 6 Treasure Hunt ~ 

Day 7 Champs-Élysées, Lafayette & Laduree 

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