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Thursday, 2 April 2015

Vany & Jon

It is such a beautiful thing when two strangers meet, falls in love, marries and still remain very much in love. I was super excited when Vany and Jon asked me to do their anniversary photoshoot. I think it is a wonderful idea to record and celebrate each year with your beloved~ Wedding, with its fancy gowns, exquisite flowers, champagnes and diamond ring ironically is only the beginning of an exciting journey. I am personally much more interested in what happens after " happily ever after". 

 With the awkward Vancouver weather, never quite able to guarantee rain or shine. it is a little tricky to schedule a time for this photoshoot.... originally we wanted cherry blossoms, but Vancouver gave us not only that but magnolia, willow trees with duckies and a precious peek of sunshine with it too ~ The key is be grateful with whatever life feels like giving. expect nothing ~ You will realize that life is beautiful no matter what and you will embrace it. 

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